Mossyrock Special Council Meeting

March 6, 2024 @ 6:05 pm – 7:10 pm


March 6, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:05 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:06

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, Juliana Simon, and Shannon Mcarron by phone. Excused: City Engineer and City Attorney and Council Member Teresa Quinlan and Craig Byrum.


Mr. Sasser said we do have a quorum.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:06

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to set the agenda. Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


V     New Business – 6:07


  1. Ordinance 511 Enacting Rules and Regulations Prohibiting Smoking and Vaping

 in Public Places   

Mr. Sasser said he wanted to give some information as to why this came about and one of the reasons was because within the last 90 days there was an incident that took place down at the WWTP in the lab with someone vaping. He then took it to Mrs. Hartmann and said we cannot have this happen and to come up with something and she did.

He said this is something we should have anyway for all public buildings. Mrs. Minnear asked where it was, and Mr. Sasser explained where it happened. Comments followed.

Mr. Sasser said there are state laws that exist for this. More comments followed.


Mrs. Hartmann then asked Mrs. Mcarron if she had any questions. Mrs. Mcarron did want to know if other businesses were having the same issues or was this just pertaining to the city properties. After Mr. Sasser’s explanation she understood a little more about why this was being put in place. More discussion followed. She asked if this was addressed in the employee handbook and Mr. Sasser said yes and also in the Union contract. Comments followed. Mrs. Hartmann will review further the exact language.


Mr. Sasser said this should cover everything and give us a way to enforce it. Mrs. Mcarron said she did agree with it and did not have a problem with any of the verbiage.


Mrs. Simon made a motion to pass Ordinance 511 and Mrs. Minnear seconded. Question called and passed.

  1. Ordinance 512 Complete Streets Program

Mr. Sasser said this was brought to us by Mr. Jackson, our engineer, as he has been going through our growth management and this was identified as something we needed to add. Mrs. Hartmann also explained that this has to do with the grant from the Department of Commerce, it was something that they were asking for. It also has to be set in place for any more TIB grants that we apply for. Mr. Jackson put it together and sent it to our attorney, Ms. Jay for review and this is the final product.


Mrs. Minnear asked if this was the ordinance we passed before regarding bicycles and Mrs. Hartmann said no but this does have some wording in there regarding those issues as well. Discussion followed.


Mrs. Minnear motioned to accept Ordinance 512; Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


  1. Department of Commerce Growth Management Act Periodic Update

Mr. Sasser commented that this was brought to us by Mr. Jackson as he has been working on this. Mrs. Hartmann commented that we do have a signed contract with the Department of Commerce for this growth management, we will be getting $50,000 this year and $50,000 next year with Mr. Jackson updating the different areas. Comments followed.


Mr. Sasser commented that this here, the Streets Ordinance and the Department of Ecology information is what drove this meeting because it needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. We cannot wait for the other meeting later this month.


  1. Department of Ecology Grant Design and Planning for WWTP upgrades

Mrs. Hartmann then went on to explain a little more about the grant for this portion of the existing grant. Comments followed. She said this will be right around $35,000 to keep the process going and get the basics done so it can then move into pre-construction and the construction phase. Discussion followed.


Mr. Sasser then commented on his concerns regarding these grants and funds that were being spent. Comments and discussion followed.


These items are informative for the council members.


  1. Resolution 2024-01 Authorizing the Surplus Sale of Excavator and Forklift

Mr. Sasser commented that we have got the forklift going but it serves no purpose for us. We can not even take it out here to use it. But, he said, let’s talk about the excavator, it is very old, and we have spent so much money on the excavator. Comments followed.


We got it cleaned up and want to take it to the auction. Mr. Stevens thinks we can get something close to $20,000 for both. Then that gives us the opportunity to look at a couple of different things. Discussion followed.


He said that all this resolution is for is to allow us to go ahead and take these out to Ritchie Bros. and have them sold. We will set aside a 90/10 split for the Water and Sewer funds of the sale price and when new items are purchased then it will also be a 90/10 split for the funds needed. Discussion followed.


Mrs. Mcarron motioned to accept Resolution 2024-01; Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


  1. Accepting the Union Contract for 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025

Mr. Sasser, on the union contract, some very interesting things took place this year. He said this is the third contract that he has been involved with, the first contract took over a year to get ratified. The second one went very well because we didn’t have to change much stuff in it. This one took a little longer because there were certain things that we needed to change. Discussion followed.


Mr. Sasser feels we have a good contract. Comments followed.


Mrs. Hartmann said that once this has been approved, then she will adjust everyone’s pay and cut retro pay checks for all employees involved.


Mrs. Sasser said that the only thing he added to it was a new position which will be a lead person. Discussion followed. The lead person will not hire, or fire and any disciplinary actions will be brought to the mayor to be taken care of. More comments followed.


Mrs. Simon motioned to accept the union contract and Mrs. Minnear seconded. Question called and passed.


  1. Other Items – 7:00

Mr. Sasser said that he had one other thing to say but Mrs. Hartmann asked if she could make a quick comment before he proceeded.


She commented that they had received a bankruptcy notice from a company called Endo International. She does not recollect having done business with them but Ms. Jay our attorney said that she had to at least mention it to the council. So, she has and that was all she needed to do.


So, then Mr. Sasser said what he has to say, and he asked if Mrs. Mcarron had her ears on and she said she was listening. He is retracting the statement that he is resigning sometime. He said Mrs. Mcarron did not have to worry about that now. Discussion followed.


  1. Adjournment 7:10

Mrs. Simon motioned to adjourn the meeting; Mrs. Minnear seconded. Question called; motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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