Mossyrock City Special Council Meeting

June 4, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm


June 4, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:33 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:03

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, City Engineer, Devin Jackson and Paul Dennis. Excused: City Attorney and Council Member Shannon Mcarron and Julianna Simon. Absent: Craig Byrum and Teresa Quinlan

Also present, planning commission members, Marcia Manley, Dean Guyer, Tonya and Tom Schwabe.


Mr. Sasser said we do not have a quorum; this meeting was for informational purposes regarding Dept of Commerce grant and Dept of Ecology grant.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:04

No setting of agenda.


Department of Commerce      Growth Management Act Periodic Update

Mr. Sasser welcomed Devin Jackson and Paul Dennis from Jackson Engineering and turned the meeting over to Mr. Dennis.

Mr. Dennis commented that the last time they were before us was about a month and a half ago and it was a synopsis of what they would be doing till the end of June for the Comp Plan update. They have a number of deliverables that are due to the Department of Commerce by June 15th. They have already done quite a bit of work. He then went to his presentation which the first part was sort of a recap of what was presented before, then he would follow-up with some new information.

He commented that this would be our 20-year vision that is being required by the state legislatures. This is our chance to say what we want Mossyrock to be in 20 years. This plan allows us to go after state funding for different projects. Any funding from the state requires a Comp Plan.

Mr. Dennis gone through our Directory and stripped out the Comp Plan and put it in its own document and he is doing the same thing with the Development Codes. These have to be split out but will be part of the whole document. These are all part of the Department of Commerce requirements. Mr. Jackson then commented that they were not the ones to initiate this process and get the funding, but it was Ms. Manley who had started the ball rolling on this process. They are going to try and double the amount by going after the Climate Change grant. This would be approximately another $100,000 grant.

Mr, Dennis then proceeded to go through the slide presentation.

Mr. Dennis explained about what has already been completed and what are the next steps to be presented to the Department of Commerce.

Ms. Manley asked about the information only which reads Napavine instead of Mossyrock and Mr. Dennis will check that and fix the issue.

Growth Capacity analysis has been done. Is city specific.

More comments followed.

Mr. Dennis then explained what the timeline coming up would look like. They should have a draft document ready by the first of the year. They are hoping to have adoption by June of 2025.

More comments and discussion followed.

Mr. Dennis commented on the survey done by the planning committee and that the return of comments was a really good number. He explained the information received.


Mr. Dennis then concluded by asking if there were any questions.

He commented that these Comp Plans will need to be updated every 10 years rather than every 8 years. More comments and discussion.


Mrs. Minnear asked about the pickleball court and Mr. Dennis said things like this will be added into the Parks and Recreation Plan when it is updated.


Mr. Jackson then talked about the Complete Streets Program and the need for an ordinance to be able to unlock grants for projects. It is a way to get roadway funding. TIB grants are open now. Mrs. Hartmann said she thought this had already been approved and Ms. Manley asked for a copy of what was given and approved. He explained a little about what could be done and what would be available. Comments and discussion followed.


Department of Ecology Grant Design and Planning for WWTP upgrades

Mr. Sasser then asked what we had going on about the Ecology grant. He asked if there would be any shovel turning this year and Mr. Jackson said no. Basically the is not even the design phase, this is the pre-design phase so they are going through and showing how this would comply with permitting. Then it will be to design and then pre-construction planning. Comments and discussion followed.


Mr. Jackson said that in July they will apply for the Climate Change Grant. Climate change risked will probably center around the forests and wildfires. Comments and discussion followed.


  1. Adjournment 7:33



Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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