Mossyrock City Council

June 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


June 19, 2024

  1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III.    Roll Call (6:01)

  1. Setting of Agenda and Consent of Agenda (6:02)
  2. Minutes of May 15th Council Meeting 2024 and Special Council Meeting of June 4th, 2024, and May Vouchers approved by Mr. Byrum and Mrs. Simon.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (6:05)
  4. Staff and Committee Reports (6:07)
  5. Public Works (Wastewater, Water, Streets)
  6. Law Enforcement (Chief Cournyer)
  7. Parks and Recreation Department (Randall)
  8. Planning Commission (Marcia Manley or Mayor)

VII.   Public Comment on Agenda Items (6:25)

VIII.  Old Business (6:27)

  1. Ordinance 356 Dog Ordinance
  2. Ordinance 412-2 Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties

  1. New Business (6:55)

A,      Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of Morton

and the City of Mossyrock

  1. Changes in Personnel Policy
  2. Mossyrock Rock
  3. Other items – (6:56)

XII.   Adjourn (7:00)



June 19, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:01 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:01

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, Juliana Simon, Teresa Quilan, Shannon Mcarron and Craig Byrum. Excused: City Engineer and City Attorney.

We have a full council tonight.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:02

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to accept the minutes from May 15th, 2024, Council Meeting and Special Council Meeting of June 4th, 2024, and vouchers from May 2024. Mr. Byrum seconded. Question called and passed.


V   Treasurer Report   6:03

Mrs. Hartmann gave the Treasurer’s report. See attached.


VI  Staff and Committee Reports   6:04

  1. Public Works (Mr. Sasser)

Mr. Sasser said we had two emergency leaks we had to deal with in the last couple of weeks. One down on Isbell connecting to Swigert going through Bigbee’s property and we also found a leak that was right across from the wellhead. We were losing approximately 3 million gallons a month. Was found about 10:30 at night. Explanation followed.

These are temporary fixes. There was a scheduled shut down today, and they replaced a 70- or 80-foot section of pipe. Discussion followed. Mr. Sasser said that he has spoken to the engineer to put this into our water comprehensive plan. Mr. Rose asked if there was more, and Mr. Sasser said yes, and we have to do this. More discussion.


Streets, still patching holes when they are noticed. We will be working on getting the striping people from Napavine to redo our roads during the summer sometime.


Our SOMAT was down for awhile because we ran out of polymer for the Somating. We go through a 55-gallon drum about once a year. They have started making sludge again.


The back up generator has been serviced and is ready to go. It is serviced once a year and comes on once a month for about 2 hours.


Mr. Sasser said it was really nice to see the kids having their graduation down in the park. He said it looks pretty good down there.


A new motor was put in for the digester and sludge pump as well.


All our permitting is good from Ecology as well. Everything is looking good.


  1. Law Enforcement

April and May reports were submitted.

Discussion followed.

Mrs. Minnear commented on the correction of volunteer hours for May, it was supposed

to be 32 hours.


  1. Parks – Mr. Sasser

We had a park meeting earlier this week, we will talk more about this under Item C below.

We are preparing for the 4th of July and the Blueberry Festival.

We are going to try and get the walkways concreted before the Blueberry Festival.

Mr. Byrum asked about fireworks and Mr. Sasser said there would be none down in the park but the fire chief said they would be doing them at the school but that could still change. Discussion followed.

Mrs. Minnear said the booklets have arrived. She also commented that the dancing horses will be coming back.


  1. Planning Commission – Mrs. Manley

Did not have a quorum because it was the day after Memorial Day.


VII    Public Comment on Agenda Items   6:19

No Comments


VIII   Old Business     6:19

  1. Ordinance 356 – Dog Ordinance Establishing Definitions for Nuisances,

    Violations, Abatements and Penalties    

Mrs. Mcarron wanted to know about the dangerous animal issues and the ordinance regarding this. Discussion followed. She had talked to Chief Cournyer regarding this and whatever they have to enforce needs to be in the ordinance. She asked if we should match what City of Morton has.

Mrs. Mcarron asked if we were going to vote on anything and Mr. Sasser said probably not at this time. She then asked about the licensing and if Ms. Jay had come up with anything. Mr. Sasser said he would see that Ms. Hannon will look at it since she handles the licensing. More discussion followed.

Mrs. Mcarron commented on the Interlocal Agreement between the city and Lewis County and Mr. Sasser said no, we were not participating in that agreement. Discussion followed.

Mr. Sasser said that when Ms. Hannon is back Mrs. Mcarron could check with her.

Mrs. Hartmann asked if we were tabling this for now and Mr. Sasser said yes.


  1. Ordinance 412-2      Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties


Mrs. Mcarron referenced that she had made the suggested corrections that are in red along with some of the other typographical errors. Comments followed.

They discussed the issue of the signs for the trucks and Mr. Sasser will check on this. He commented that we should be able to get this off the docket next month.

Corrections will be made so this can be voted on next month.


Mr. Sasser commented that there were some places where the vehicles have already been removed.


IX     New Business – 6:31

  1. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Morton and Mossyrock for Law Enforcement Services

Mr. Sasser said this is a boilerplate of what we had before, and we had to add 10% which we voted on a couple of months ago, but we never had a signed document. Now he needs to bring it before the council for the signed agreement.

Mrs. Minnear had a question regarding her being able to vote on this since she could not before but is no longer an auxiliary member but just a volunteer. Mr. Sasser said that she is on the council and not part of the police department so she should be able to vote. She also has an old copy of the interlocal agreement. Discussion followed.

Mrs. Quilan asked if everything was the same except they wanted a raise. Mr. Sasser said they actually did not start out at the first of the year, they were at the old rate till April of this year.

Mr. Byrum motioned to vote on the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Morton and the City of Mossyrock. Mrs. Minnear seconded. Question called. One (1) decent called but motion passed.

Call for individual vote:

Craig Byrum voted yes to accept agreement

Bea Minnear voted yes

Julianna Simon voted yes

Shannon Mcarron voted no

Teresa Quinlan voted yes



  1. Changes to Personnel Policy

Mrs. Hartmann explained to everyone that they should have a copy of Chapter 10 from Personnel Policy and under number 11 she read what it said. She has spoken with Ms. Jay our attorney, and Mr. Sasser about inserting the words “foul language” to include in that statement. The change has to be approved by the council.

Mrs. Quinlan asked if this was different from obscene language and Mrs. Hartmann said this is what Ms. Jay had suggested. Comments followed.

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to add “foul language” within Chapter 10. Mrs. Simon seconded.

Question called and passed.


  1. The Mossy Rock

Mr. Sasser commented that at the Parks Board meeting, the discussion came up about the Rock. For years we have been wanting to make it more accessible on how to get to it. Cleaning it up and taking some of the alders out and shrubs and getting the hillside cleaned up. He told the parks board that there was no way we could tackle that this year. We talked about having a timber company to come in and thin it out and take care of what needs to be done. Also to take care of the pathways and steps and such. Discussion followed.

It was suggested that this be done in 2025 and to bring it to the council to let you know what we are trying to do. Discussion followed.

Mrs. Mcarron asked if they would have to replant and Mr. Sasser said that in talking with the garden club, they would come up with some ideas on what to plant up there.


  1. Other Items – 6:45

Mrs. Simon commented that Astound is causing problems on Godfrey with traffic and such.


Next meeting the council will have their picture taken.


  1. Adjournment 6:47

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to adjourn the meeting; Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called; motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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