Mossyrock City Council

January 24, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


January 24, 2024

  1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III.    Roll Call (6:01)

  1. Setting of Agenda and Consent of Agenda (6:02)
  2. Minutes of December 20th Council Meeting 2023. December Vouchers for approval were completed by Mrs. Simon and Mrs. Minnear.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (6:03)
  4. Staff and Committee Reports (6:05)
  5. Public Works (Wastewater, Water, Streets)
  6. Law Enforcement (Chief Cournyer)
  7. Parks and Recreation Department (Randall)
  8. Planning Commission (Marcia Manley or Mayor)

VII.   Public Comment on Agenda Items (6:15)

VIII.  Old Business (6:17)

          Ordinance 356              Dog Ordinance

  1. New Business (6:20)
  2. Chief Fosburg Ordinance regarding interference with a fire fighter
  3. Ordinance 504-1 Amending Ordinance 427 Regarding Pass-Through



  1. Other items – (6:59)

XI.    Adjourn (7:00)



January 24, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:01

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, Juliana Simon, Shannon Mcarron. Excused: City Engineer and City Attorney and Council Member Teresa Quinlan. Absent: Craig Byrum.


Mr. Sasser said we have a quorum.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:01

Mr. Sasser commented on a couple of changes to the agenda. Chief Cournyer will be reporting right after the Consent Agenda because he has to leave for a meeting and there will be an Executive Session after the Public Comments for approximately 10 minutes or sooner regarding personnel issues.

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to set the Agenda and Consent Agenda with additions made by Mr. Sasser. Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


  1. Law Enforcement – Chief Cournyer

Chief Cournyer asked if the city would consider a 10% increase to the contract we currently have with the City of Mossyrock. Their costs have gone up since they started the contract. They are now getting billed from the Sheriff’s Office for any assistance they give to Morton and a $250.00 administrative fees and other charges.


In addition, he would like help in purchasing a patrol vehicle. The current vehicle he is driving is on loan from Pe Ell, he has a new patrol car coming in which the City of Morton has provided. Pe Ell was gracious enough to loan them for now the current vehicle he is driving. Pe Ell has not been able to find an officer to do their services, so he asked them if they would consider selling this vehicle to Morton as well. It is a 2016 model, 147,000 miles and right now the cost for the vehicle is about $8,000.00 with all of the police equipment in the vehicle included. He said the blue book’s estimated value is about $8,200.00. It included the whole patrol package which could be a higher price. More comments followed.


Mr. Sasser asked if it still has the Pe Ell sticker on it and the Chief said it does, but it will be changed out if they purchase the vehicle.


Mrs. Mcarron asked when he would be receiving the new vehicle and he said it should be done anytime now. Then she asked when they have to give the other vehicle back or give them an answer, and he said within a couple of days or week. Comments followed.


V   Treasurer Report   6:08

Mrs. Hartmann gave the Treasurer’s report. See attached.


VI  Staff and Committee Reports   6:12


  1. Parks – Mr. Randall Sasser

Just working with Gray and Osbourne on the RCO grant.

Mr. Rose asked if we had nailed down what we wanted to do and Mr. Sasser gave a general idea of what we were thinking about. Comments followed.

Chief Fosburg asked where we were thinking about putting it and Mr. Sasser said in approximately in the old dog run area. Comments followed.


  1. Planning Commission – Mrs. Manley

Mrs. Manley said they had a meeting last night and they decided to plan out their meetings for the year.

She also commented that they checked the website to verify the meeting dates and other verbiage that may need to be updated.

They had a building permit request from the Mossyrock School District for two modulars. Comments followed. Discussion followed regarding the location of the buildings.

Mrs. Manley also made comments regarding development or impact fees.

VFW has gotten a commitment for military armory for the park, but it is still a ways off.

They also talked about the safety on Mossyrock Road West and mailbox placements. Discussion followed.


Mr. Sasser then had people in the audience introduce themselves.


Two of the people in the audience came to get some answers regarding the issues going on with the water in their area. They asked if the city does anything over in Lake Mayfield residential area. Mr. Sasser then explained to them the city limits. Discussion followed.


VII    Public Comment on Agenda Items   6:40

No Comments


VIII   Executive Meeting for about 10 Minutes – 6:40

Regarding personnel issues.

No decisions made in executive session.


IX     Old Business     6:47

Ordinance 356 – Dog Ordinance              

No discussion at this meeting.


X     New Business – 6:48


A       Chief Fosberg

The main reason for his visit was that at the county fire chiefs meeting, a new county ordinance was given to them that has to do with the interference with a fire fighter or emergency responder. They were asked if they would attend the city council meetings and see if we could mirror the ordinance. Comments and discussion followed.


Mr. Sasser will forward this to the attorney. Discussion followed.


B       Ordinance 504-1  Amending of the Pass-Through Deposits, Fees and Charges

Mrs. Hartmann explained what Ordinance 504 was and the corrections that needed to be made. The Developers Fee Agreement was updated and section C.1.f. needed to be updated to read City Clerk instead of City Treasurer.


Mrs. Mcarron motioned to accept amendments to Ordinance 504-1 and Mrs. Simon seconded.

Question called and passed.


  1. Other Items – 6:57

Chief Fosberg said that he took this to the planning commission last night, he has a real concern regarding the electric vehicle charging station located at the gas station. He still cannot find who approved the set up of this. Currently he does not have the equipment to fight a vehicle fire. There is an option out there, there is a fire blanket to cover the vehicle which would be our best way of preventing a huge fire. They are expensive and could cost $1,500.00 or more. He then explained how they work. More comments and discussion followed.

The cost is estimated at $1,799.00. More discussion followed.


Mr. Sasser said that a citizen came to city hall today to voice their concerns about a person’s yard. It looks like a junk yard. He said there are a few other places in town, and he will get with Chief Cournyer and they will look at issuing some citations.


One other thing the council will need to talk about is the 10% increase in the police contract. Discussion followed.


  1. Adjournment 7:05

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to adjourn the meeting; Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called; motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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