Mossyrock City Council

March 20, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


March 20, 2024

  1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III.    Roll Call (6:01)

  1. Setting of Agenda and Consent of Agenda (6:02)
  2. Minutes of February 21st Council Meeting 2024 and March 6th Special Council Meeting. January Vouchers for approval were completed by Mr. Byrum and Mrs. Minnear and February Vouchers by Mrs. Mcarron and .
  3. Treasurer’s Report (6:03)
  4. Staff and Committee Reports (6:05)
  5. Public Works (Wastewater, Water, Streets)
  6. Law Enforcement (Chief Cournyer)
  7. Parks and Recreation Department (Randall)
  8. Planning Commission (Marcia Manley or Mayor)

VII.   Public Comment on Agenda Items (6:15)

VIII.  Old Business (6:17)

          Ordinance 356              Dog Ordinance

  1. New Business (6:20)
  2. Ordinance 412-2 Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties


  1. Other items – (6:59)
  2. Adjourn (7:00)


March 20, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:01

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, Juliana Simon, Teresa Quinlan, Craig Byrum, and Shannon Mcarron by phone. Excused: City Engineer and City Attorney.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:02

Mrs. Hartmann said that only the Council Minutes from February 21st and Special Council Minutes from March 6th and January Vouchers could be moved on because February Vouchers have not been completed yet.

Mr. Byrum motioned to accept the minutes from February 21st, 2024, and March 6th, 2024, and Vouchers from January 2024. Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


V   Treasurer Report   6:03

Mrs. Hartmann gave the Treasurer’s report. See attached.


Mr. Sasser said it was really important to know that the application for the COAF through RCO is by invitation only. We have been working with the person from RCO and hopefully this will help. Mrs. Hartmann commented on the help that we have received from RCO this time and feels it was a lot better than last time.


Mrs. Minnear asked about the people who came out to look at the old dog run area to see if that would work and Mr. Sasser said they would be moved farther down by the bathrooms. He also commented that this does not include the final design. Other comments followed.


VI  Staff and Committee Reports   6:06

  1. Public Works (Mr. Sasser)

Mr. Sasser said we made a change within the city staff, we have a gentleman that is out at the WWTP on Saturdays and Sundays, instead of having to use outside source. Mr. Hess is doing a great job. Now we will have full coverage on garbage during the weekends and also watering of any plants that may be put up.

Mrs. Quinlan asked if we got the baskets from DeGoede’s and Mr. Sasser said that the garden club always got them and will possibly get them this year as well.


Also with public works, they guys have done an excellent job cleaning up along State St. and Williams St. They also did some striping for parking on State St.


Mowing will be starting again and then the auction at Ritchie Bros., we took out the excavator and forklift. Comments followed.


Mrs. Minnear asked about the lift station on Meadow Lane and Mr. Sasser said everything has been taken care of. Comments followed.


  1. Law Enforcement (Chief Cournyer – not present)

Everyone received the report and reviewed it. No other comments.


Mr. Sasser did say that we did send $2,000.00 for the police vehicle that they are getting

from Pe Ell. Discussion followed.


  1. Parks – Mr. Sasser

Mr. Sasser said we were actually able to do some hydroseeding down in the park in front of the amphitheater. Comments followed.


  1. Planning Commission – Mrs. Manley

Mrs. Manley said they would meet next week. Under old business, they have been discussing updating the city website as it pertains to the planning commission. They would like a calendar on there showing their meetings and things and their minutes. Comments followed.


New business, wanted to remind everyone about the public training act and information.

Current project updates, they have discussed at a couple of meetings regarding the Mossyrock Public School District and the trailers going in. Discussion followed.


They had two visitors who were requesting an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). This needs to be discussed in more detail. Discussion followed.


VII    Public Comment on Agenda Items   6:24

Mr. Rose commented that the school wants to bring in the two modules by Mrs. Mcarron’s place. This should be happening around April 4th. Discussion followed.


Mr. Rose also asked if we have taken a look at the soccer field grant. Mrs. Hartmann will gather the information again. Comments and discussion followed.


Mrs. Manley asking if we were doing anything regarding the interlocal agreement. Mr. Sasser said he had forwarded it on to legal for review and they do not want us to participate in that.




VIII   Old Business     6:29

Ordinance 356 – Dog Ordinance      Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties                

Mr. Sasser said he would visit the homeowner again to see how things are going.


IX     New Business – 6:30

  1. Ordinance 412-2

For discussion only, council to review for the next meeting.

Mrs. Mcarron had questions on four or five different areas. Mr. Sasser said to bring any questions together and contact him for any questions.


  1. Other Items – 6:34

Meeting with Jackson Engineering during the next council meeting.


  1. Adjournment 6:36

Mrs. Simon motioned to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Byrum seconded. Question called; motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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