Mossyrock City Council

April 17, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


April 17, 2024

  1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III.    Roll Call (6:01)

  1. Setting of Agenda and Consent of Agenda (6:02)
  2. Minutes of March 20th Council Meeting 2024 and February Vouchers approved by Mrs. Mcarron and Mr. Byrum as well as March Vouchers approved by Mr. Byrum and Mrs. Simon.
  3. Zoom Meeting with Jackson Engineering regarding Growth Management Act and

the city’s requirements. (6:03)

  1. Treasurer’s Report (6:33)

VII.   Staff and Committee Reports (6:34)

  1. Public Works (Wastewater, Water, Streets)
  2. Law Enforcement (Chief Cournyer)
  3. Parks and Recreation Department (Randall)
  4. Planning Commission (Marcia Manley or Mayor)

VIII.  Public Comment on Agenda Items (6:45)

  1. Old Business (6:47)
  2. Ordinance 356 Dog Ordinance
  3. Ordinance 412-2 Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties

  1. New Business (6:55)


  1. Other items – (6:56)

XII.   Adjourn (7:00)



April 17, 2024


I     Call to Order

The Council meeting was called to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Randall Sasser.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III   Roll Call6:01

Present were Mayor Randall Sasser, Treasurer Angie Hartmann, Council Members: Bea Minnear, Juliana Simon, Teresa Quinlan, Craig Byrum, and Shannon Mcarron. Excused: City Engineer and City Attorney.


IV   Setting of Agenda and Consent Agenda 6:02

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to accept the minutes from March 20th, 2024, and Vouchers from February 2024 and March 2024. Mrs. Simon seconded. Question called and passed.


V       Zoom Meeting with Jackson Engineering regarding Growth Management Act and

the city’s requirements (6:03)


Mr. Jackson and Mr. Dennis went through the PowerPoint presentation regarding the process we have to go through for the Department of Commerce grant information. Information is attached.


Mrs. Mcarron asked about one of the maps and how they arrived at the designations given on the maps and the accuracy. Mr. Dennis said when they go through the analysis from different areas, but they will need the city’s input to verify the information and correct it as needed before they turn it into county. Mr. Jackson had Mr. Dennis clarify as to where the information came from, and it was gathered at the assessor’s office and various other entities. A lot has to do with the zoning of the property in question. Comments followed.


Mr. Sasser then asked Mr. Jackson how they would like us to get the information back to them and when. Mr. Jackson asked for a list of parcel numbers and the discrepancies, and if they can get something back fairly quickly like next week sometime, that would be great. Comments followed.


Mrs. Mcarron then asked about the difference in the maps we were given, and Mr. Sasser said commercial and residential.


Mrs. Hartmann closed out the Zoom meeting with Jackson Civil Engineering.



Mrs. Sasser then said that the planning commission had put together a great questionnaire that they should be able to use. So, this will be looked into. Discussion followed.


Define different zones in city.


V   Treasurer Report   6:38

Mrs. Hartmann gave the Treasurer’s report. See attached.


Mr. Sasser commented on the budget and what will be happening with all the grants we have in process. We also have some major ticket items that we will be purchasing.


VI  Staff and Committee Reports   6:40

  1. Public Works (Mr. Sasser)

Mr. Sasser said public works has been extremely fortunate in the water breaks and has only experienced one this month along State St.

Water samples have been submitted and are expected to pass without problems.

At the waste plant, we are continuing to pass permits. We had a problem with our

digester sludge pump and we ordered and received and installed a new motor. This allows

us to continue to SOMAT.

Streets, potholes continue to be worked on. Tree limbs are being cut back. The streets

fund continues to be a problem and he does not know of any city that does not have

problems with their street funds. Comments followed.

Parks, we have started mowing and we did hydroseed last month in front of the

amphitheater. This summer we have to pressure wash and restain the amphitheater. In the

next couple of weeks the playground equipment will be pressure washed and sanitized.


  1. Law Enforcement (Officer Gonzalez)

Chief was not available, so Officer Gonzalez was there to represent the police

department. He said they are trying to clean up around the post office area. The white car

will be towed tomorrow and the boat will be tagged.

They are down an officer, so they are trying to cover all the shifts.

They are also compliant now and have body cams.

Mr. Sasser asked if he knew when they would be back up to staff and Officer Gonzalez

did not know. Discussion followed.


  1. Parks – Mr. Sasser

Mr. Sasser has already commented on this a little. He is hoping that sometime in August we can put down some more concrete in the park with the help of the RMSA grant. Mrs. Hartmann commented that at this time we do not have the grant but will look into it.




  1. Planning Commission – Mrs. Manley

Mrs. Manley said they did not have many questions about projects. She said she had a member of the planning commission here with her, his name is Mitch, and he brings a wealth of knowledge to the group, and he introduced himself and what he had done before. Comments and discussions followed.


VII    Public Comment on Agenda Items   6:56


Mr. Rose commented that they had at least 24 people at the last meeting, May 1st is their next meeting at 5 pm. Next meeting is about Pioneer Days.


VIII   Old Business     6:59

  1. Ordinance 356 – Dog Ordinance Establishing Definitions for Nuisances,

    Violations, Abatements and Penalties    


Mr. Sasser asked who had this and Mrs. Hartmann said it would probably have to be tabled. Mrs. Mcarron said Ms. Hannon should have it, she had given it to her.


  1. Ordinance 412-2      Establishing Definitions for Nuisances, Violations,

Abatements and Penalties


Mrs. Hartmann apologized that this was not done. She had misplaced the changes and corrections that Mrs. Mcarron had given to her. Comments and discussion followed.


Discussion came back around to the Dog Ordinance and what has been happening with that. Mr. Sasser will check with Ms. Hannon regarding this.


  1. Department of Ecology – Mr. Sasser


Mr. Sasser said he has to take responsibility for being late on something as well. He has a letter from the Department of Ecology dated 10/31/2023, but then he read a letter sent to Mr. Stevens regarding the Water Treatment Plant of Mossyrock for Outstanding Performance in 2021.

This letter was written on October 31, 2023, the package the plaque came in is dated January 2nd, 2024. This was lost when his store had its issue so now he has found it. Comments and discussion followed.


IX     New Business – 7:05


Mr. Sasser wanted to bring it before the council to spend some money on an excavator. We have spent about $25,000.00 on our current machine and recently our drive went out and we decided to not spend the money to fix it again but to send it to auction. Between this and the forklift and some buckets we will receive approximately $15,000.00 from the auction.

They spent months researching this piece of equipment. We received quotes from John Deere and Troybuilt or Kubota. Up until about a week ago, we were going to go with John Deere because of the fact that if we needed to get an attachment, or an accessory it would fit the excavator with no problem. We couldn’t with the Kubota because we would have to get and adaptor plate. Comments and discussion followed.

There was then an issued with the bottom line of the cost from John Deere, it did not include sales tax and it had a delivery fee attached so Mr. Sasser asked Mr. Poukkula to get the quote from Kubota and their quote included everything and was $10,000.00 less.

Mr. Sasser asked the council if it was ok to go ahead and get the Kubota which is $53,930.30. Mr. Byrum asked if the money from the auction would go toward that, and Mr. Sasser said that what we will do is have a 75/25 split in the cost between the water fund and the sewer fund, respectively. Mrs. Mcarron asked how much the John Deere machine was and Mr. Sasser said it was $62,838.56. Mrs. Mcarron asked how much the converter would be for the Kubota for the attachments, Mr. Sasser said it was $900.00 but he has opted not to get it because we have never really used the attachments before. Discussion followed.

Mrs. Mcarron asked Mrs. Hartmann if we could afford the money to come out of our funds right now and Mrs. Hartmann explained that she had started setting aside 10% of our revenue awhile ago into both water and sewer in anticipation of this specific purpose. Discussion followed.

Mrs. Quinlan asked if we were making a motion and Mr. Sasser said because it is over $50,000.00, he needs the council’s approval.

Mr. Byrum made a motion to approve the funds to buy the mini excavator we need from Kubota and Mrs. Minnear seconded the motion. Question called; motion passed with one decent from Mrs. Mcarron.


  1. Other Items – 7:23


  1. Adjournment 7:24

Mrs. Mcarron motioned to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Simon seconded. Question called; motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Angie Hartmann

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